
Open android on mac
Open android on mac


Try searching the internet for "MANIFEST file" and see if any desktop applications can open it. If you cannot open the file with the apps from Android App Store it is possible that the file could only be opened on desktop platforms such as Windows or Mac OS.If file does not open you can look for the corresponding app that can open the file by searching Android App Store for the "MANIFEST".If Android device supports opening the file you downloaded it will open in the corresponding app. You should see your downloaded MANIFEST file in that folder.Tap on "Downloads" folder inside the app.In the Android apps list on your Android device find "My Files" or "File manager" app and tap to start it.If you downloaded a MANIFEST file on Android device you can open it by following steps below: If you don't know the application which can open MANIFEST file then try to search for "MANIFEST wiki", "application to open MANIFEST file" or "open MANIFEST file" queries in the search engine you like.


  • If you know the Mac OS application which can work as MANIFEST file opener you can choose the "Choose Application." option in the error box to associate the file extension and open MANIFEST file in it.
  • open android on mac

    If a MANIFEST file is not opened in a Mac OS application and you instead get a "There is no application set to open the file" error message you can click on "Search App Store" in the error dialog and Mac OS will show you applications compatible with MANIFEST file.

    open android on mac

    Find a MANIFEST file in question in Mac OS Finder and double click on it to launch the corresponding application.


  • Install the application you found and check if it can open MANIFEST file.
  • If you don't know the application which function as MANIFEST file opener then try to search for "MANIFEST wiki", "application to open MANIFEST file" or "open MANIFEST file" queries in the search engine you like.
  • If you know the application which can open MANIFEST file then run it and see if there is a File->Open main menu option in the application.
  • If a MANIFEST file is not opened in an application and you instead get a "Windows can't open a file" error message you should try looking for an application which can open the file in question.
  • open android on mac

  • Find a MANIFEST file in question in Windows OS File Explorer and double click on it to launch the corresponding application.

  • Open android on mac